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Where to begin, well Keno and I have known each other since high school and you can say our collaborations started then. back in high school my band at the time backed him up at a talent show, it wouldn’t be until some 15yrs later that we would reconnect and start our new musical journey. Throughout our long history of performances either as a duo or as a group, our working with varies artist around the bay are, aside from being a gifted poet and song writer, Keno’s true talent is in recognizing others talents. He has a great eye for putting great musicians and performers together, and helping them excel to the top.
Juan “Uncle Funky” Richardson

“Keno Mapp is one of those people who leave an indelible mark of love, peace and encouragement. Everything he does, from art to business, is done from a space of love, support and kindness. By choosing to work with Keno, your artistic life will be enhanced.

“Keno Mapp has to be experienced in person to get the full spectrum of his awesomeness! To meet Keno is like when you have an epiphany about your Life AND he brings so much Love and care to his business and music ventures. If everyone in the world was like Keno, we’d have World Peace!
Always an extreme pleasure to work with him and be in his presence…
Get you some Keno and make it a better day!”

“I met keno back When i was going through my divorce with babies mama.
she always threatened me with how she was going to take all the money i earned With my living i made in the intertainment industry.
it was then Keno and i joined forces to become Moormapp Records and released the music that would have just been a throwaway meal for the Sucubuss to feed upon. Officer Mapp taught me about contracts and now to speak in strategic caucasian fashion so this monster that painted in her eye brows would not be able to hood wink me and take all of my HARD worked for music rewards.
this way now, i will never have to fear the business again.
he showed me how to get my music into the library of congress and be protected from culture vultures, musical thieves that would only rob me of my legacy and leave me nothing .
having the freedom to perform without fear of your soul being stolen through bad decisions under pressure as well as giving it all away verbally or through contractual means, is the best rest I could have been given”
Officker Mapp may not be a LAWyer yet he is exerienced with dealing with the big corporate heartless that only seem to hear you when your singing to thousands of people but will not hear a word until they have ripped you off artistically and mentally, if you do not know the difference.
Do yourSELF a favor and call OffiKer Mapp. He will help protect you from the big corp monguels that will eat your soul, pay you 10 cents from the 9.99 and even send you a bill in the end.
Get protected and don’t be afraid like I was anymore! *Offiker Mapp to the rescue to straighten out your music mess and help YOU protect yourself from baD choices that can end up taking from your children’s children inheritance and your soul.

“I met Keno Mapp years ago through an acquaintance that had suggested i ‘get in touch’ with someone that she believed to be a similar like minded soul. a kindred spirit so to speak.
Occasionally in life, you meet those rare people, that encourage and try to get you to SEE clearly, all that you are doing (OR NOT!) on your Individual life path.
To those of you in need of specific & GOOD advice from an un-bias source, Keno Mapp is THE go to source !
He excels at pretty much anything he can turn his mind to & is dedicated to whatever project he chooses to spend his valuable & precious time, effort & energy on.
I would recommend him highly for any endeavor he chooses, as i believe it shall be note worthy & of relevance in short a SUCCESS!”

I really enjoyed working together. Keno has all the skills and knowledge necessary to meet any musical goal, and is going to be fantastic. Good stuff Keno

Artist really need to understand their power in the world. We are not liked off the bat. We are not respected off the bat, but you have the power to make people understand you, love you, respect you and with that power, Keno can show you how to harness it and how to use it.
He will teach you the things you will not learn in the music school or in the business school because it’s the school of hard knocks, it’s the school of reality. There are real social cue’s and elements that you have to navigate around to be able to navigate your own career to be able to get your artwork out there and make that impact that you’re trying to make, and this is something Keno can help you do.
His insight will help you see around corners and bring the light to those that need it.

He excels at various mediums, and has a lifetime of experience. If you need promoting or inspiration, he’ll light your fuse and set off that artistic bomb you’re sitting on! The soul of poet directing the sharp intellect of a businessman. Let Keno pimp out yo life!” – Durga McBroom

“Keno Mapp is a talented and dedicated writer and performer. His passion for communication and his focus on the concepts of Love and Community help direct his creativity in new and exciting ways. Keno has a unique ability to connect with a variety of audiences, and our experiences making 2 CDs of his original music, and the ensuing live shows, were passionate and exciting.Keno’s experience of over 20 years in the business and financial worlds combined with his musical experience allows him to excel in guidance and leadership in the field of artist mentoring.”