Unlock your full potential as a musical artist and step into the music industry with confidence. Take control of your music career and schedule a FREE 30 session today.
So many artist have come to me over the years with serious question about their music and book publishing asking, “WHAT SHOULD I DO?“
After working as a professional musician and book publisher for so long and experiencing first hand, all of the different bad choices made by myself and other Top Artist in the industry, it became clear that other musicians and writers should not have their artistic careers discouraged or be stuck, unsure, wondering how to advance their musical careers.
Based on this, myself and others have come together as a community of experienced artists to create Artist For Real and offer this direct portal to help you navigate through the many questions surrounding the music and book publishing business, and give you the tools needed for success on the international stage.
- One on One Music Business Consultation
- Coaching and Artist Development
- Video Workshops offered by Top Artist
- Contract Negotiations
- Book Publishing
We specialize in all matters surrounding your music and book publishing career on a business professional level, focused solely on making sure that you can get through it all confidently knowing that your legacy is safe, remain in your own control, and by the end, that you are successful making the best choices to help you achieve your goals.
Making good choices in this business is a must, and we are here to help make sure that you do just that For Real!!
For more information, book a FREE 30 minute Music Business Consulting session, and assure your artist efforts, go in the right direction.
Other Services: Performance Agreements, Promoters Negotiations, Pre-Collaborations Agreements, International Touring (Vegan’s included), Book Publishing, TV Licensing, Radio Promotions, Concert Bookings (Riders), Photo Releases, Marketing, Copyrights, Set Design and Wardrobe, Social Media Presence, Merchandise builder, Sales Tracker, Security.
*Disclaimer: This website does not provide legal advice and provider is not a law firm. None of our customer service representatives are lawyers. Although we go to great lengths to make sure our information is accurate and useful, we recommend you consult a lawyer if you want legal advice.